Special Announcement Coming Soon!
Special Announcement Coming Soon!
The gi helps to retain the integrity of the art. Wearing the gi shows knowledge and respect for the history, culture and origin of the art. Ignoring the usefulness of a uniform ignores the roots of the art from which it comes.
BJJ Gis typically come in sizes from A0 to A6. The 'A' stands for 'Adult' sizing and the number just represents different sizes for adults, with the higher number being for the bigger size. Kids Gis follow different sizing, sometimes M0 - M4 and sometimes 000, 00, 0, 1, etc.
Similarly to Gi classes, you should try to wear light and athletic clothing. In addition to keeping you cool and dry, baggy clothes with pockets can trap you or your partners hands/feet while rolling which is not supposed to happen in No Gi BJJ. Rashguards are the top of choice for No Gi.
In general, anything you would wear for your gym workout works at a Muay Thai gym too. Think sports tee and short shorts.
Wrestlers should wear spats, sweatpants, or athletic shorts that are ideally without pockets, a rash guard or t-shirt, and wrestling shoes during practice.
Some of these fighting gear is a little expensive, but it’s totally worth the investment.
The equipment includes MMA gloves, punching bag, hand wraps, jump rope, MMA shorts, mouth guard, shin guards, and groin guard. There are many other items on my wish list as well, but in the beginning these will be enough for you and will get you started.
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